Keynote Speaker: Jaz Ampaw-Farr

Jaz was six years old when she realised adults couldn’t be trusted. By 11 Jaz was an ill-equipped mum to five siblings battling poverty and abuse at home.

For years she let her past be the script for her future. Fear drove her bus until she tried being just 10% braver, swapping fear for curiosity.

Saying yes more got Jaz through education, into teaching and beyond to advising international governments but it didn’t always work out.

Like that time she was fired in the first week of The Apprentice! Jaz learned to pick herself up after mistakes, reframe and go again.

Jaz stopped turning the volume down on herself. Instead, she opted for being professionally vulnerable and personally authentic.

Her inner mantra of “I’m not good enough” became “I am enough”.

That shift allowed Jaz to show up as my full-fat self and led to a record-breaking TEDx Talk, a book deal and invitations to speak all over the world. 

Jaz started living life as the human she was designed to be, rather than the woman the world said she had to be.

That decision inspired a new level of authenticity which, through her keynotes, workshops and coaching, frees people to unlock their own potential.