As part of National School Governors’ Awareness Day, we are highlighting the vital role that local governing bodies play in helping our schools to thrive.
Here Gary Turner, Chair of Trustees, explains more about the importance of local governing bodies across our Trust and family of schools.

“Our local school governors are intrinsic to the running of our Trust as they have the local knowledge about their school and community. This becomes more important as we grow the number of schools within our Trust.
The benefits of being a local governor are many and varied. You have a sense of helping our young people to be provided with the best possible education, as these young people are our future. You will be able to use your life and work experiences to shape the future of local education and challenge school leaders to ensure they are delivering the best education for our young people.
You do not need to have any special experience or qualifications to be a local governor. We value membership from the widest range of backgrounds to ensure that we are representing all our communities.
It is very rewarding to know that you are contributing to future generations by providing our young people with the tools they need for life. It is great to be able to use the skills that you have acquired through your work and life experiences to contribute to a Local Governing Committee. All our Local Governing Committees work together with their various skills to ensure that our schools are challenged and supported in equal measure.”
Local governor profile
Name: Paul AstlesÂ
Governance role: SENDÂ
School: Much Wenlock Primary School and NurseryÂ
Year appointed: 2024
What have you found rewarding about school governance?
I find the positive impact that I feel that I am having at the school to be the most rewarding aspect of being a governor. I am a qualified teacher, and I have been through several OFSTED inspections, so I have been able to use that experience in my role as a governor. I have been able to offer guidance and share current evidence-based practice to support the SEND provision.Â
What impact have you made on your school?
I am a climate ambassador and I have been supporting the school to create and develop a climate action plan. I am passionate about supporting educators to connect and meaningfully embed sustainability in their curricula and being able to help Much Wenlock Primary School and Nursery with their journey is the biggest impact that I have been able to have to date.Â
Interested in becoming a local governor?
Find out more about governance at The 3-18 Education Trust at Governance – The 3-18 Education Trust.
Alternatively, please contact Carole Warner, Governance Professional, via email at
Notes for editors
The 3-18 Education Trust is a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) of primary and secondary schools across Shropshire, with a community of over 5,000 students.
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