Discover and explore Bowbrook Primary
Bowbrook Primary School opens on 1st September 2023.It will be a 4-11 school, with a nursery provision. Initially, the school will commence with a one form entry in reception and a nursery. Thereafter the school will grow in subsequent years, ending up as a full (Reception to year 6), two form entry school of over 400 young people. The admissions arrangements can be found on our new school website.
Bowbrook is Shrewsbury’s newest school with state of the art facilities including a Multi Use Games Area, a Dance studio, a Science and DT Lab as well as extensive surrounding fields. There are a fantastic range of resources that will provide the children with some wonderful opportunities inside and outside the classroom as they take their first steps into building successful futures. In keeping with the school site, the Trust have employed a dynamic, innovative team who will enable the young learners to thrive and ensure that this school becomes the heart of a new community. It is the newest member of the 3-18 Trust and something all stakeholders are extremely excited about.Sam Aiston

Bowbrook Primary School
Squinter Pip Way
SY5 8PY - 01743 362668